Saturday, October 30, 2010

James 1:1-2... (10.24.2010)

We started class with the reading of James Chapter 1 verses 1 & 2.

Verse 1: James, who was known as "Pillar" and leader of Jerusalem church knew how important it was to state he was both servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.

James knew the world he lived in and even in the synagogue it was ok and even expected to be a servant of God...but being a servant of Jesus....well that was a different story???

We had previously discussed the letter of James is written to the 12 tribes scattered and it has been suggested these are believers who were forced to leave Jerusalem during the persecution that followed Stephen's death. (See Acts 8:1, Acts 11:19)

James as a leader would feel responsible for "the scattered" and would want to instruct them. 

QUESTION: How are we according to James suppose to respond to trials and temptations?
Do you see trials in your life as punishment?

One of our lesson writers proposed the following: "Most of the time trials bring on groaning and complaints. However, this response doesn't show maturity and will usually only make matters worse."

We should view trials as a test. Think of this....why do teachers give tests? Believe it or not teachers give test to see if students can pass not pass out. When you bring the right attitude...yes, we are back to our attitude...we can have full understanding of the advantage of trials, and where to obtain assistance in our trials so that we will pass the test and not pass out. 

QUESTION: Where should we look for assistance in our trials? 

God and His Word is where we find our assistance.

Let's go back to verse 2 for a minute..."Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials..."

Please notice it states "whenever" not "if". This is an important aspect to grasp for James is letting us know we will face trials not if we face trials. 

There is one more important thing that our lesson writer, Norma Becker, points out:

"I don't believe James is saying being joyful "for" the trials but be joyful "in" the trials."

Our joy is found in Jesus not in our circumstances. We don't have to be happy for the trials but we need to have a positive outlook in the trials. Because when viewed from the proper attitude trials will be productive....which we will see as we continue in our Journey through James.


Becker, Norma "Book of James Bible Study"

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