I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas.
We started off the class by reading James 1:9-11. This poor or lowly brother isn’t necessarily discussing the subject of money. When we stay within the context of the verses 1-8, James very well can still be discussing trials…Oh boy we still get to look at trials this week!!
When the poor are walking in trials it is tempting to believe the rick don’t have trials for they have money to fix everything…Is this a true statement? Why or Why not?
Here is another question for you. What exaltation is the poor lowly brother to boast in?
Let’s step back to the rich man for a minute…the rich do have trials. One of the biggest trials for the rich is whether they will trust and rely on their wealth instead of God. These rich can also be tempted into believing that their wealth is some kind of sign of their eternal place or status. THIS IS WRONG!!!
Note in v10 it says, “he will pass away.” Who is this “he” it refers to and what is passing away"?
I would propose James is discussing the rich man who once found his pride in his possessions will have turned his way. This man will now boast that he has turned his spiritual poverty resulting from the pride in his possessions over to God. Everything he has will be acknowledged as belonging to the Lord. He will no longer be fooled into complacency thinking his riches will give him spiritual security. He has learned there is only place to find spiritual security and that is in JESUS CHRIST ALONE!!!
We must come to the full understanding that God allows us to go through trials.
A student asked his teacher: “Doesn’t God intend for us to enjoy life?”
After thought the teacher replied: “It is not so much that God will have us always enjoy life, but MORE that we will enjoy HIM in the midst of life.”
We still see the main theme James is focusing on is “God is God to us in the middle of whatever.”
We will continue our journey next Sunday. Until then Be Blessed!
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