Friday, February 18, 2011

James 1:19-27...Sunday,February 14th, 2011...Part Two

We looked at Vv 19-25 in the first Part of our blog on the February 14th lesson. Now lets dive into Vv 26 & 27 and then do a wrap-up of James Chapter 1.

QUESTION: How does verse 26 say we can deceive our hearts?
ANSWER: Believing we are 'religious' but not bridling 'holding' our tongue.

Remember these people have been in on-going difficulty and James is instructing them in three specific ways:

  1. It is not okay to let your tongue run wild while in difficulty
  2. Visit orphans & widows
  3. Stay unstained from the world
The Greek word for religious here is defined as an external religious worship, which consists of ceremonies and religious discipline. James is basically saying that it doesn't mean 'squat' what you do externally if when life hits you from all sides you don't bridle your tongue, take care of those who can't take care of themselves and keep yourself unstained from the world.

Question: What does unstained from the world mean? Does it mean never interacting with unbelievers?


James has shown throughout Chapter One that when exercising a TRUE RELATIONSHIPS with Jesus through difficulties which will come (not 'if' they come) we will choose:
  • To live as the beloved sons & daughters of God that we are
  • To believe and know that God is involved no matter what our circumstances may currently be
  • To understand God is transforming us to be His mature children
I leave us with this final comment from Anita Carman: "Remember God transforms us through practicing and living His Word not just by reading and/or quoting it"

Now we head to Chapter 2. Have a blessed week. :^)

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