Question: Why would James say "not many of you should become teachers?"
Answer: James states his main reason in Verse 1 of Chapter 3, teachers will be judged with a greater strictness.
Here are some other reasons to not become a teacher (each one has a tie to verse 1):
1. Teachers are responsible to teach TRUTH and not his/her opinion.
2. A teacher's teaching affects many lives....not just the student in the classroom.
3. A teacher must live out in their own lives the TRUTH being taught. (Walk the walk, not talk the talk)
***With all the responsibility of teaching, it amazes me that some want to be teachers. Are you eager to teach at any cost? At the cost of students disliking you because you teach the TRUTH? ***
Many people are so eager to teach or lead but they never stop to thing of the responsibility and even consequences of being called by God to teach or lead. I can honestly say that most people, I personally know who are great teachers or leaders fought it before agreeing with God about their calling.
Vv 3-5: James using the illustration of the tongue in these next verses because a teacher's main tool is speaking (using their tongue). Yet, the discussion of the tongue if good for everyone.
The one thing that is important to see in the illustrations James used concerning the tongue is each of these illustrations can be either positive or negative. Everyone has a tendency to focus on the illustrations from the negative because of the verse following verse 5. However, it is important to understand the main decision factor is who is controlling the tongue?
If God is controlling the tongue then it is a positive thing. Were we get in trouble is when we think we can control the tongue. If a bit is used properly in the horse it is a good thing. Whereas, if it is used improperly it can hurt the horse. The rudder on the ship is a wonderful positive thing in the proper hands but in the wrong hands....let's just say I don't know too many people volunteering for that trip.
Even fire if used in the proper hands is a good thing but in the wrong hands it can do great damage. Yet, it is important to point out that even if someone has good intentions but are trying to operate without proper training or in their own power, people tend to get hurt along the way.
it is important to understand that our words do have an impact. It is further important to understand that we are always teaching or leading someone. It may be an informal type thing but you are always teaching or leading someone. A younger brother/sister may be watching your every move. What are you teaching them? Little ones at your church are watching you...what are you teaching them? Classmates are watching you...what are you teaching them?
One last thing must be made clear, do not walk away from this lesson thinking that God is a puppet on a string or the "big santa clause" in the sky waiting to serve your every whim. God is a righteous God and He does not have to do something or give us something because we "speak it." If you walk away from this lesson with that theology then you missed the whole point of what James was saying.
Have a blessed week. We will march on to verse 6 and beyond next week.
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