QUESTION: What TWO reasons does James state for not receiving from God in Vv 5 & 6?
1. You do not ask GOD (please notice here it specifies asking God). We can't ask others and then wonder why we are not receiving. We must ask God!
2. We ask wrongly & with improper motives. The word "desire" or "pleasure" here is the source of the English word "hedonism"
QUESTION: What is hedonism?
Hedonism means to seek pleasure as the chief ultimate goal of life and NOTHING, NOT EVEN GOD, will be allowed to stand in the way of experiencing this self-sought pleasure. (Norma Becker)
These passions and desires for self-sought pleasure tempt us to believe we must control, possess, and obtain pleasure to have peace. We must understand this deceptive view leads to destruction & discontent.
The part many find hard to swallow here is this deceptive view is "spiritual unfaithfulness" to God. Therefore, this is why James calls us "adulterous people." See if we are focusing solely on ourselves and our self-sought pleasure then we are making me, myself and I more important than God. We are in essence saying we are God or whatever we are seeking is being idolized. Having an idol or seeing ourselves as God (even if we don't admit to this fact) is SPIRITUAL UNFAITHFULNESS.
Quick TRUE OR FALSE: The Scripture states, "God helps them who help themselves"
THIS IS FALSE. This is a world-built philosophy. When we try to walk in this false philosophy, we are actually trying to once again get God to cooperate with our plans. When He doesn't act or do what we feel should be done then we become angry towards God.
QUESTION: What do we need to do if we find ourselves falling into what James describes as "Being a friend of the world and an enemy of God"?
First, we must acknowledge God is not neutral about us and what we do. God created us with HIS BEST in mind. He loves us wholly & completely. He is passionate about His Will being completed in our lives.
Second, We must understand God is jealous over us, ready to protect us in all circumstances.
Third, God's grace shows up as opposition to the proud. He will oppose our efforts that do not show complete confidence and trust in Him.
Once we acknowledge these three things then God shows us in Vv 7-10 how to rectify the fact that we have become "a friend to the world and an enemy to God. The following are the steps to root out the sinful attitude of Pride:
- 1. Submit yourselves: Submission is not the same as obedience. It is when we submit our will to God that we are lead to obedience.
- Resist the devil
- Come near to God and He will come near to you: A wonderful assurance
- Wash/Cleanse your hands (Repentance for our prideful behavior)
- Purify your hearts: This is a step further than repentance it is the step of having purity of thoughts & motives, which is accomplished by setting our heart's desires on God's desires
- Lament, Mourn & Weep (You are sadden cause your actions have saddened God)
- Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord (You are grateful for the forgiveness given to you)
In conclusion, we must understand sin leads to NOTHING good. When we attempt to have 'our way' there is always a destructive cost. We hurt others, ourselves & God.
God's way not 'our way' can be fully trusted to receive from His loving hand the transforming work in our lives. We learned in Chapter 1, that God intends nothing less for us than to 'be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing' (verse 4) and 'to receive the crown of life, which God has promised for those who love Him' (verse 12).
QUESTION: Knowing this why do we insist on "our way"?
We will continue on journey in James Chapter 4 on May 1st.
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