Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday, July 17th, 2011: Nehemiah 3....

First things first, Read all of Chapter 3. It will be worth it in the long run...Promise!

Let's start this week with a question: What is the main focus of Chapter 3?

Answer: Many people of different walks of life were a part of God's work rebuilding the wall.

Refresher Question: Who called Nehemiah to rebuild the wall?
Answer is found in Chapter 2 verse 12: GOD

There are a few things we can see in Chapter 3:

  • God brought unity to the workers for the team effort needed to rebuild the wall.
  • Everyone always has something to offer. When God calls us to a work, He will work through everyone He calls.
  • Rebuilding many times started at home. It is important to not be so focused on others and forget that their ministry starts at home. 
  • All the work was done by volunteers. It is almost unimaginable in today's "Me, Me" Society, but none of these volunteers got paid. All this rebuilding work was done for the Glory of God.
Question: What is the motive for doing God's work?

Answer: God remembers & records names. 

Our loving Father sees every action at all times. He knows the number of hairs on our head and keeps our tears in a bottle according to Scripture. 

Many would look at Chapter 3 and just see a bunch of hard to pronounce names....YET, there is so much more there and we must trust God to reveal these things to us. 

We will be heading to Chapter 4 on July 24th. Be blessed!  

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