Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunday, May 22nd: James 5:7-12...

In these verses, James is revisiting the open lines of the book of James. He began in Chapter 1 telling us, his readers, "to count it all joy when in various trials" and "to know that the testing of their faith produced patience."

QUESTION: When wronged what is our natural tendency?

Answer: to retaliate, seek revenge, hold a grudge or become bitter and sour to the wrong doer.

YET...God a better idea and James shares it here...

QUESTION: What is the illustration of the farmer all about in these verses?

Answer: The farmer is illustrated for his confident expectancy that God would do what He said, however it would require patience and faith in the reliability of God. Sometimes waiting for the rain for a crop can be anxious.

Verse 8 is so timely right now after the current events of should we "non-events" of the May 22nd weekend.

***We need to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord, but remember Scripture states, "No man knows the day or hour"***

Vv 9-11: James reminds us "not to grumble" and then reminds us what the prophets, like Job, walked through. Job's perseverance was blessed by God.

Chuck Swindoll gives the following practical application of Vv 7-11:

  • Don't focus on the situation or you'll become patient
  • Don't focus on yourself, or you'll become filled with self-pity...Instead stand firm & strengthen our heart
  • Don't focus on someone to blame, or you'll begin complaining...Don't grumble against each other
  • Be Honest (check out verse 12)
Final words for this week, be careful don't say yes glibly. Let people know your word is good. Don't be double minded. 

We will continue James Chapter 5 this coming Sunday, May 29th at 9:30am in the Jesus Cave stop by if you can.

Friday, May 20, 2011

James 5:1-6...Sunday,May 15th, 2011...

Quick Review of two temptations discussed in James so during May 8th class:

1. The temptation to put down and judge our brothers & sisters in Christ.
2. Second temptation is to make our own plans and believe we have the POWER instead of God being in complete TOTAL CONTROL.

Today, while entering Chapter 5, we see the temptation to trust in wealth instead of God.

QUESTION: Does James condemn all wealthy and rich? Why or Why not?

Answer: Once again during this study, it is not the circumstances (a person's wealth) but the attitude towards the wealth. This counsel is against those with wrong attitudes & priorities of the wealthy.

QUESTION: What is wealth?

Scripture determines 4 different Economic Groups:

a. Poor Outside (none of the world's good) & Poor Inside (None of Jesus)
b. Poor Outside & Rich Inside (Have Eternal Life in Jesus)
c. Rich Outside  (lots of material goods) & Rich Inside
d. Rich Outside & Poor Inside

QUESTION: What do you think of these four groups?

James in Vv 1-6 is writing to which group in your opinion?

James describes the following accusations against the rich in these verses:

1. Corroded Wealth: Vv 2-3 is showing that trusting in wealth & greed leads to destruction
2. Selfishness: These men who had more than enough deprived & cheated their workers knowing it was wrong (See Deut. 24:14-15)
3. Murder of Innocent (verse 6)

***Being materially wealthy raises the risk factor and adds pressure, which can twisth the rich's priorities***

IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER being spiritually wealthy can lead pride.

Keep your focus and priorities on Jesus!!! We will continue our journey in James this coming week.

Friday, May 13, 2011

James 4:11-17...Sunday,May 8th, 2011...

I was out sick on May 1st and just in case any one is wondering that is why there was no blog last week.
Praise God, I am doing better even though the smoke from the fire has been causing some issues for me.
Now on to James...

When we forget who we are in God, it becomes a downward quick slide to being jealous & envious of others. We remove our focus from God to others. We start comparing, which leads to anger w/God.

James is showing in Vv 11-17 what happens once jealous, envy & anger enter into the picture. Once we start comparing & judging, arrogance sets in. We go down the slippery slope of thinking we are in control of our own futures.

Vv10-12: James is dealing with speaking evil against one another & judging one another. Our lesson writer states James does not intend for us to look at the two things mentioned as separate practices.

***We must realize that when we speak evil against one another is to judge them***

QUESTION: What constitutes "speaking evil against one another"?

James is determining judgement as the "final" word about another person. This include the person's character, behavior, and/or value.  An example of "final" word would be saying such things as:
            "He will never" or "She always"

We should never declare judgement of "so and so" being a "hopeless case!"

Verse 12: James is explaining that declaring judgement means we are saying "we are an expert in God's Law." Once, we do this we have fallen out of right relationship w/the law of God. Our correct & right relationship w/God's Law is to be people who obey it out of love, trust, and hope in Him who created us & teaches us how to live.


Vv13-14 QUESTION: Is James saying to NEVER PLAN?

Answer: No, the people's mistake was in planning like they have THE POWER over the future.

We have all either heard or even said ourselves, "Lord willing" & "If it is the Lord's Will"

QUESTION: "Is saying these things about all of our plans a guarantee that we have the right attitude?"

Answer: We must have an attitude of submission. Don't use these words like some sort of charm. James is discussing how some practice "boasting & bragging" instead of truly subjecting their plans to God's Will.

Remember, we have said from the beginning that the purpose of James' letter is to attain spiritual maturity. Let's review some of the things James has said in Chapters 1-4:

  • Stand confidently on God's Word even in the midst of trials & temptations
  • We must compassionately serve fellow believers w/out favoritism but w/practical faith
  • We must speak carefully with a God controlled tongue & wise thoughts
  • We must submit to our ALL-Powerful Father, Lawgiver & judge w/a humble spirit, just actions & a trusting heart
  • We must be who God wants us to be, do what God wants us to do, & speak what wants us to speak
  • To know the Will of God, do the Will of God,  fully understand & comprehend God is ultimately in control.
We move on to Chapter 5. Have a blessed week!