Friday, November 30, 2012

Philippians Online Bible Study Podcast...

 The Philippians Online Bible Study is going good. 
We have created podcasts for Chapter 1 verses 1-18. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Philippians Online Bible Study November 2012...

Photo Credit: Dew Photography

"An online bible study? You sure about this God." 

That is how my conversation with God started when He dropped "online" into my heart. Besides the fact it had been over a year since I taught, I have never taught online before.

Plus, a life of change has been my walk during this time. I keep reminding God that He gave me the One Word in 2012, of "FOCUS" not "change."
Here is a short recap (not necessarily in chronological order) of the changes
 from August 2011-October 2012:

1. I had a break down of sorts
2. We moved to VA
3. Worked a part-time job
4. I had a total hysterectomy
5. Went to She Speaks Conference in NC
6. Met Liz Curtis Higgs and realized I missed teaching
7. Realizing God would have me teach again but it would be different than before. 
8. Joined an accountability group
9. Became the leader of a writing critique group
10. Made the plunge and started the Philippians online bible study 

I have a brave group of individuals who have agreed to be my "Guinea Pig" group. This blog is to help me focus and to have a record of the study. However, each study will have a secret FB group. All materials in the secret FB group will be kept confidential. 

May God be given the glory!

If you are interested in participating in a future online bible study contact me by email:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Repost: Are you a Coot?

The following is a repost from February of this year...

Have you seen the above bird before? What is he? He is mistakenly referred to as a 'weird' duck on occasion. Nevertheless, this is not a 'weird' duck but an American Coot. The coot has the ability to live with ducks. While we lived in NC, it was a pleasure of mine to be able to take photos like the one above at Union Point Park. Our park had 4-5 coots that lived part of the year with the ducks. 

The coot is a waterfowl bird yet, not a duck. He has a triangular beak and non-webbed feet (chicken-like features). Yet, to watch him at the park, it becomes evident he thinks he belongs with the ducks. Is it because everyone likes the ducks and feeds them and he will be able to have a meal? Most people at the park treat him no different than the ducks. However, he and his siblings were the ones that I was attracted to the most.

God has been ruminating this simple devotional with the coot for multiple months. The ironic thing is as mentioned before "Simple does not equate to easy" (A line from the family movie, What If). The ability the coot has to be mistaken for a duck and blend in with them has several spiritual applications.  

1. Where am I being mistaken for something that I am not?
2. How often can I blend in & look no different than my surroundings?

Take time this week to ponder those questions. 

***Only the first picture was taken by me. The other picture belongs to Laura Meyers***

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reflecting on She Speaks from Dawn's Dialogue....

I went to a conference the weekend of July 20th-22nd and wanted to share with the Biotikos Blog what I received while there. The ministry also has a part called "She Seeks" for 20 somethings. You can check it out at

Reflecting on She Speaks 2012...

 She Speaks Graduate
It has been three days since returning from She Speaks 2012. 

Upon arriving on Friday afternoon, it was a 6 hour drive from Virginia, I checked into the hotel and the conference registration table.  I went to my room to change out of my driving clothes and actually thought this is too overwhelming. See, there were 650+ women all descending upon the Embassy Suites in Charlotte, NC. 

The thought crossed my mind, "I just want to leave. I can't do this." However, the following thought immediately came, "I can't let down the people who believed in me and raised the monies for me to attend." With this second thought, I sat down on the couch and had a talk with my Abba. 

Here are a few of the highlights of this past weekend:

  • Martha Cullison Miller praying with me. Thanks Martha! 
  • Meeting and hugging the necks of many of my SS Sisters from online (I didn't get to see everyone there just wasn't enough time). It became like the game of "Where's Waldo" at She Speaks. One example: Not meeting Dana Pittman from Purpose Writing Group until the last worship session on Sunday morning. I was a few minutes late, came in with Rachel Washington and found seats. Lo and behold, the woman I sat beside was no other than Dana Pittman! 
  • Having dinner with Suzanne Woods Fisher: She has such a sweet spirit. Check out her Amish fiction books here.
  • Glynnis helping me understand on Saturday night that I need to be completely healed before God can use what happened to me. Thanks Glynnis and her friend, Danita talking to me before heading to bed on Saturday night. 
  • Hearing great speakers and teachers. Whitney Capps: I have tons of notes from your talk on Sunday morning. 
  • Having Julie Sunne for a roomie. God took two complete opposites and put them together. He has a wonderful sense of humor and we got along wonderfully. 
  • Getting to sit with Liz Curtis Higgs and seeing how humble she is with all the knowledge God has given her. She spent 5 years in the book of Ruth. I actually bought her new book, "The Girl's Still Got It" and had her sign it. Thanks Miss Liz for showing me that I do miss teaching. 

I am sure there will be many "Ah-Ha" moments as my, menopausal & tired brain continues to process the tons of wonderful information poured in this weekend at She Speaks. She Speaks was a big step for me. I know that God still has a purpose for me. I just need to seek Him to see how my teaching will look now. It will be different for I am different than I was a mere year ago. I am just thankful God is not done with me yet. 

On another front, I am doing a give-away. I will be giving away a copy of Tom Davis' book, "Red Letters"

To enter complete one of the following steps:
  1. Go and visit
  2. While there click the box on the right margin to follow Dawn's Dialogue blog through Networked Blog or leave a comment on Dawn's Dialogue blog.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Second Chances are Not Guaranteed....(Dawn's Dialogue June 28th, 2012)

Photo Credit: Dew Photography

Did you know that second chances from God are not guaranteed? This week while reading "Surprised by Grace" by Pastor Tullian Tchividjian this is exactly what I learned. Pull out your Scriptures and it can be seen where second chances did not happen. A prime example is Ananias & Sapphira. It is funny how God reminds us of these things. Even though I wrote about Ananias & Sapphira on this blog back in April, it was like a "DUH!" moment when I read they did not get a second chance from God. 

We always point to Jonah and state, "God is a God of second chances." Yet, the problem is we our living with an attitude of "we deserve and are guaranteed second chances." Would we live our lives more obediently if we understood second chances are not guaranteed? Is it just me or does it depress you that second chances are not guaranteed? Personally, I blow it often and am grateful for when given second, third and at times fourth chances to get it right. 

 Delayed obedience is disobedience. This is a truth that I have heard and even have taught many times. I propose this includes our attitude. When we begrudgingly complete a task with the wrong attitude it is an act of disobedience. 

When our daughter was younger and she was asked to clean her room. She could have two responses: 1) go and clean her room as requested or 2) storm off to her room end clean it with a great commotion of stomping and slamming as she cleaned.  

Photo Credit: 1234RF

In our household, our daughter would be disciplined for response #2 even though the room was cleaned. Why? Because of her attitude. 

I was questioned about this concept of disobedience recently. Someone gave me the following example: She had been invited to do something she knew God would say no to if she took it to Him. She felt that even though she didn't participate her attitude was not the greatest while she abstained from the activity. The question: Was this disobedience because of her "not right" attitude while abstaining?

While pondering this Sister in Christ's question and reading "Suprised by Grace," God has opened a new realm of thought for me on the concept of His grace:

 even though "delayed obedience is still disobedience at first, it can be replaced by true obedience, through God's relentless mercy and grace" (Tchividjian, pg 85).  

I propose, this is the same concept when the disobedience is based on our attitude. Just reword the statement, "A bad attitude is still disobedience at first, however it can be replaced by true obedience, through God's relentless mercy and grace."

Thank you Lord for your relentless mercy and grace!

After pondering, here is my thought:

Maybe at times we start out doing the 'right thing' because we know it is the 'right thing' even with a 'not so right' attitude. Yet, as we continue our walk with Christ and through God' transforming grace become more like Christ, what starts out as "disobedience at first is replaced by true obedience."  

There is one more side to the proverbial coin we need to acknowledge... there are consequences for disobedience. Jonah sat in the belly of a big fish. Even when we have sorrow for our disobedience there will be consequences. As we come to terms with the facts, second chances are not guaranteed and disobedience has consequences one could get depressed and want to give up.

Be encouraged dear Sisters. Yes it is true, we will stumble. We will have times of blowing it. But we have an intermediator who has accepted full responsibility for all of our sin.

His name is Jesus. 

Have you blown it this week? Lost your temper? Hollered at your spouse? Bad attitude? Screamed at your children? Been just plain ugly to everyone?

Run to Jesus ask His forgiveness. Then thank Him for accepting full responsiblity and "living the life we couldn't live and dying the death we should have died," (Tchividjian, pg88).

***Originally posted to Dawn's Dialogue on June 27th, 2012***

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Write and Speak with God... (Dawn's Dialogue 6.19.12)

Photo Credit: Dew Photography
Wording (slightly modified): Beth Kinder

"I would rather write and speak one time with the power of God to touch thousands, 
than to write and speak thousands of time and impact no one"---Beth Kinder, Remade Ministries

The above statement rocked my world last week upon reading it. Many of you know, I am attending a writer and speaker conference at the end of July. What some may not know is I have been writing to complete and then edit, edit, edit and re-edit my book proposal and sample chapters. By the way...did I mention there is some editing happening during this process. :-)

During all of this writing, I came across the information a non-fiction book is normally 25,000-50,000 words. I was stressing a little....ok it was more than a little. The reason, my book currently is at 7,000+ words with 5 of the proposed 8 chapters having their first draft complete.

Then Beth's weekly "ReMade" blog email came. God opened my eyes. Yes, I understand there is an industry standard on word count. However, if I am not writing with His power than it will not matter if my word count is 100,000 for the impact will not be there.

It is amazing how a simple email at the appropriate "God appointed time" can have loving discipline, encouragement and focus from my Savior.

Beth's blog can viewed here. Go and check it out and give her some encouragement in the comment section. 

***This was originally posted to Dawn's Dialogue on June 19th, 2012***

Friday, June 15, 2012

Learning Lessons from Lot: Association~Participation~Assimilation (Dawn's Dialogue June 14th)

Originally posted on Dawn's Dialogue on June 14th, 2012

"Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possession were so great that they could not dwell together"

In Genesis 13:6, we find Abraham and Lot in a position where separation became necessary. Both men had become prosperous and the present land could not handle all the livestock. Abraham did not want a dispute with his nephew. Therefore, he let Lot choose what land he would take. 

"And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it [was] well watered everywhere (before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar" Genesis 13:10

It is interesting that Lot thought of himself and not the Uncle who had taken care of him. The Uncle who treated him like a son. Instead, Lot saw the better land and grabbed it with no thought for his elder. He did not consider his family bond with his Uncle when his eyes saw something better. Lot went towards the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot associated himself with Sodom and Gomorrah.  In Genesis 14, we see Lot living in Sodom. This results in him being captured when Sodom is attacked by other Kings. Abraham did not forget his nephew. Upon hearing of his capture, Abraham went with his men to retrieve Lot. Abraham brought back not only Lot but all the goods, women and the people of Sodom (Genesis 14:16). We see here that Lot's association (living near Sodom) lead to participation (living and fighting the war of Sodom against other kings.) 

We are so like Lot. 

We start associating, which leads to participating in areas marked "Do No Enter". Areas, we know that are not good for us. 
It could be reading books (certain popular erotica titles) that produce lustful thoughts.

We must be careful for participation normally leads to assimilation.
Hop on over to Genesis 19 with me. 

"Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom."
Genesis 19:1a

We find Lot is no longer only living near Sodom (Association) or fighting Sodom's battles (Participation), but he is among the leadership (Assimilation). Leadership of an area would be at the gate of a city. Proverbs 31:23 shows the proverbial woman's husband sitting among the elders of the gate. It is not stated whether Lot is a part of  the leadership or just amongst them. This is not the point. The point is Lot has progressed from association with Sodom & Gomorrah to participation and now to assimilation. 

What exactly is assimilation? 
Whenever I hear the word, my first thought is The Borg in "Star Trek: Next Generation." 

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. 
Yet, I digress.'s definition is "integration into a group, the process in which one group takes on the cultural and other traits of a larger group."

What does all of this have to do with you & me?
 It is imperative that we see the slide from one step to the next is a slow progression. A former client would always say in her testimony, "I didn't wake up one day and decide to be a drug addict." 

Do you see association, participation or assimilation in your life? Don't despair. The great thing about God is He made a way for Lot to be saved when Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed. And He has made a way for you too. Run to Jesus today & let Him bring you back to where you belong...

In loving fellowship with Him 

Now, Lot's wife...that is a story for another day.

Thanks to Pastor Dale Hewitt @ Grace Church of Fredericksburg for introducing the concept of "Association~Participation~Assimilation" in his June 3rd sermon. You can listen to his sermon on the church website:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Playing Church not Being the Church (Dawn's Dialogue from 2007)...

I was looking over some of my older posts on Dawn's Dialogue. This blog was originally written because of the impact that a group of young Christ Followers had on my life. They are a special group to me even; even though we have all moved on to new adventures.  I have done some editing & updating before reposting (mainly grammar, spelling & adding some pictures):

Playing church not being the church
I talk with young people (no, I am not one), good, honest, wanting to serve God teenagers. One thing, I see, happening is these young people are getting fed up with the organized church playing church and not being the church! They want to go outside the four walls and minister to people, and tell them about Jesus.

We the adults in their lives would learn a valuable lesson from these young people....they are open and honest with each other about their struggles....none of them put on the "I'm fine" persona. Come on we all know what I am talking about....

A typical Sunday morning or for that fact any morning when we see someone we know (however, Sunday morning irks me the most):

"Hi! How are you?"
"I'm fine." 
(When you are not fine)

This response is so automatic that last week, I was out and someone saw me and all I said was "Hi." The person responded, "Just fine, thank you for asking." That is the response I got for merely saying "Hi"!?

The thing that scares me is somewhere along their college years something happens to these young people and before they know it these same young people start stuffing and hiding the hurt inside. They question: why do they not tell someone how they really are doing? Do we see the disservice and sad thing happening to our young people? They are turning into us.  Is that what school teaches them or is it what they think is suppose to happen when they graduate and grow-up!!

I, for one, am going to tell all the young people around me that becoming responsible and maturing DOES NOT mean to start "playing church" and to no longer be the church.

We should wake up and learn from our young people...some of them have it more together than the rest of us so-called grown-ups.  

I have been guilty of playing church instead of being the church. Your challenge is to search your heart and see if you have been playing church or being the church?

***Originally posted on Dawn's Dialogue in November 2007 updated in June 2012***

Friday, June 1, 2012

Congrats to the 2012 Grads....

A quick "Congrats" to all the 2012 Grads. 

As you walk the stage and continue your new journey remember Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." 

 Hold tight to God as you start this new adventure.

Rhema or Logos...Originally Posted on Dawn's Dialogue (May 31st, 2012)

Photo Credit: Dew Photography

God took me on a journey and taught me a lesson. When originally writing this post it wasn't apparent but now it is...all I can say is "Thank you Lord for being so patient with this child of yours."

Here is my story...

I have been reading Acts since March 30th of this year. As of today, May 22nd, I have read through Acts 24.

Some days I read a Chapter and move on the next day. Then other days, I read the same chapter for multiple days until God releases me to move on. It would be awesome to report that reading the same chapter for multiple days revealed some marvelous revelation of God...

Photo Credit:
These are some things learned and remembered  from my journal such as:

1. Paul has a nephew who saves him when the Jews are plotting to kill him. Acts 23:16-22... Nice kid in my book :-)
2. There are apparently two Philips (Philip the Evangelist and Philip the Apostle). Still don't completely understand the difference here or even if there really is one. That is the fun of being a work in progress with God, we get to keep learning.
3. Peter's vision was with animals but he tells Cornelius the dream referring to the Gentile people. (Acts 10:28)
4. Acts 11:26 is the first time believers are called Christians.
5. All the Apostles, not just Thomas, had to see Jesus' hands, feet and side only Thomas touched. (This is actually in John not Acts but my journey through Acts led me to this)
6. Ananias and Sapphira (I wrote a whole blog post. You can read it here)
7. Peter and God seemed to have a three time theme (In Acts 10, sheet revealed 3 times. We know the cock crowed 3 times and Jesus asked Peter "Do you love me?" 3 times)
8. In Acts 12:7, the angel struck Peter's side to wake him. This amuses probably shouldn't but does.
9. I left Acts 15 with a question, "Are we trying to have others conform to tradition instead of letting God transform them?"
10. Acts 17:16-34, God moved through Paul while he was waiting for Timothy & Silas to join him. He can do the same through our waiting periods, if we allow Him.
11. Acts 20: 8-10, Eutychus had "taken up dead" from his fall from the window.
12. Acts 21 has multiple people telling Paul not to go to Jerusalem. There is even a prophetic word given in verse 10 & 11.
13. In Acts 22, the people were listening until Paul said God would send him to the Gentiles. How often do we listen and agree with God until He says something we don't want to hear?
14. Acts 24, Paul had been in prison for two years while Felix was governor (Acts 24:7). This is only the time Paul has been under Felix's arrest.

Photo Credit: Unknown

Here is my lesson:

Quit spending time searching for the marvelous revelation and enjoy the Bible, for everything written in it is a marvelous revelation of Him and His love for us.
My mistake: I have been spending all my bible time chasing rhema and neglecting logos. When I should be in God's word everyday (logos) and letting the rhema happen in God's timing. 

 James Rae describes it as the following:

"Through daily reading of God's Word, which is referred to as the "logos," (logos), Christians will have knowledge of God and be able to memorize Scripture and to offer non-believers the truth that is written. But in addition to that, God wants to speak to His people and provide insight beyond human understanding. With the help of the Holy Spirit, portions of Scripture that were once words on a page will become rhema. They will have great significance and offer supernatural guidance, comfort, answers and assurances. "

My mistake is no different than people who go from place to place chasing signs and wonders; instead of focusing on a relationship with God. 

Here is your challenges today:

Go back through your journal and Bible reading for the last month asking God to reveal what He has been teaching you?
  • Search your heart and see if like me, you have been chasing "rhema" and neglecting "logos"?

Linking up today with:

***Originally Posted on Dawn's Dialogue on May 31st, 2012***

Cheering for God...Originally posted on Dawn's Dialogue

Do we spend as much time cheering for God as we do our favorite sports team? This is the question that entered my thoughts while watching Game 7 in the NHL Stanley Cup East Series Play-off. The game was the New York Rangers against the Washington Capitals. My darling daughter and I were cheering the Caps throughout the game until the last second of the game. In our household we cheer for hockey, lacrosse and our daughter cheers for NASCAR because of Trevor Bayne. Yet, my hope and prayer is we will always cheer loudest for JESUS!!! 

Then another thought entered my mind as the final seconds of the game sealed the Caps loss. Are you a fair-weather fan when it comes to your walk with Jesus? Do you walk with Him until things get tough or He has the audacity to expect you to leave your comfort zone?

Tomorrow, we will still root for the Caps. In our household we follow the Caps. We are not fair-weather fans in our household...yes, it is true while living in NC we rooted for the Canes but we still loved our Caps. 

Some of you are saying, "That's nice, but what does this have to do with Jesus?" Everything, because  a large majority of Christians are "fans" of Jesus and not "followers." Kyle Idleman discusses this in a true grit, real deal way in his book, "Not A Fan." When the crowds were being feed free meals and it wasn't requiring much of them Jesus was the 'deal'. However, when things got tough and the free meals were not flowing people walked away.

 Idleman in Chapter 5 discusses what he describes two camps of  the Fan Club.
 Take a minute and see if you identify with either of Idleman's camps:

"Camp 1: Your faith is something you were born into. You didn't choose it. Your faith has always been more about honoring your heritage than surrendering your heart. The problem here is you grew up acting & talking like a Christian but you never fell in love with Jesus.

Camp 2: These are fans who measure their faith by their hard work at learning and following the law. Their intellectual knowledge and behavioral compliance was their target. Yet, even though they were saying the right things, it wasn't a reflection of who they really are. You may say and do the right things, but that is not enough for Jesus. He wants all of you." (Not a Fan pages 70 & 71).

Jesus doesn't want fans. He wants committed sold-out followers. Which are you?

Check out Kyle Idleman's "Not A Fan" or the Not A Fan website to learn what it means to be a committed sold-out follower of Jesus Christ.

Life In Bloom

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not a 'patient' Patient...originally posted on Dawn's Dialogue

So tranquil...

It has been almost one week since my surgery. I must admit  to not being the most 'patient' Patient. My Sweetie and daughter have been awesome in helping me. They also take seriously their duties of making sure I do nothing on my "Do Not" list from the doctor.

My camera is being missed and all the baby ducks and geese are growing fast.

"Peep's Brothers right before my surgery"

I am on medical leave from my business for a couple more weeks. God even took care of that by having my client hire a manager. She is handling things until I get back.

 All of this has given me lots of time to read and spend time in God's word. The one thing that keeps coming back to me is how even with all of today's technological advances;  the doctors found things inside me that were not expected.

What they did find is a praise! My doctor went in prepared to remove a fibroid cyst (possible tumor) instead they found a chocolate cyst along with Stage IV endometriosis. This did require a complete hysterectomy. Yet, I am at peace and know that God is in control.

As I ponder what the doctors found, I keep thinking of Jesus talking to the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. Ya know... about being whitewashed tombs. These people looked good on the outside but were unclean on the inside. Only Jesus could see the dirt and grime inside of them.

This leaves me with the thought of how am I spiritually? Do I look good on the outside but am "icky" on the inside? Have I let Jesus look inside to make sure that I am not a whitewashed tomb? Have you?

***Originally posted on Dawn's Dialogue***

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sharing Testimony....Originally posted to Dawn's Dialogue

Sharing Testimony...

 "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Can I share a testimony with you? 

All of us need to look back periodically and see how God is moving in our lives. 

My encouragement today is...

“Don’t leave it there! Make sure you share the testimony (your testimony is more than your salvation story) God is giving you with others.”

Got praise? Share your testimony.
Struggling? Share your testimony.
Blessings? Share your testimony.

"Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. And these stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever." Joshua 4:7  

Let’s pause here for a quick moment. Do you know the definition of blessing?

A blessing is anything that brings you closer to God.

Go back and read that definition, “anything that brings you closer to God”. 
This means, whether we think of it as a bad thing or a good thing, if it is bringing you closer to God than it qualifies as a blessing.

Okay! Now, that we have that clarified back to the testimony.

 Many of you readers and friends of this blog know that my Sweetie and I made a move last October (You can read more about that in past postings click here). After this move, God gave me a seasonal part-time job at a local Christian bookstore. This position continued on after the season and I became eligible to opt-in to their insurance program.

My Sweetie!!!

Do you realize how much of a praise it is for a part-time employee to have insurance available to them?

Well, the price was right and I opted in. Duh? It was a no-brainer… considering I have been uninsured for years. It is hard for a small business owner, which I am, to get affordable insurance. Little did I know what was on the horizon, but my loving Father did.

Long story short, the insurance became effective. Not long after, I started experiencing some health issues. Doctor visits and tests determined surgery would be needed. After all those years with no insurance…isn’t God's timing amazing. 
Don’t start the Hallelujahs just yet, I haven’t told you the truly amazing part.

My part-time job ended unexpectedly. Where did this leave my upcoming surgery? The doctor went forward with scheduling the surgery. We had no idea what was happening with the insurance from the part-time job. The company said my insurance would end on my last day of work in March. We knew that COBRA would be made available, but had no idea if we could even afford the payments.

Enter Jehovah-Jireh, my provider. 
We just got the COBRA enrollment information and the payment is about $10.00 more than I was paying while working.

Yes, you read that correctly it is only $10.00 more for me to keep the insurance for my surgery.

Are you shouting Hallelujah? We sure were.

A sculpture by Ken Smith

 We understand the insurance is limited and we will most likely pay for part of my surgery. 
However, even having the insurance means the surgery should cost less. Why? 
Because when you have insurance, the doctor’s, hospitals, etc give discounted rates for their services.

Plus, I have a Savior who will take care of me no matter what.

Are you sharing your testimony with others? 
Share with others today, you an even do it in the comment section if you want.

***Originally posted to Dawn's Dialogue on April 27th, 2012***