Quick Review of two temptations discussed in James so during May 8th class:
1. The temptation to put down and judge our brothers & sisters in Christ.
2. Second temptation is to make our own plans and believe we have the POWER instead of God being in complete TOTAL CONTROL.
Today, while entering Chapter 5, we see the temptation to trust in wealth instead of God.
QUESTION: Does James condemn all wealthy and rich? Why or Why not?
Answer: Once again during this study, it is not the circumstances (a person's wealth) but the attitude towards the wealth. This counsel is against those with wrong attitudes & priorities of the wealthy.
QUESTION: What is wealth?
Scripture determines 4 different Economic Groups:
a. Poor Outside (none of the world's good) & Poor Inside (None of Jesus)
b. Poor Outside & Rich Inside (Have Eternal Life in Jesus)
c. Rich Outside (lots of material goods) & Rich Inside
d. Rich Outside & Poor Inside
QUESTION: What do you think of these four groups?
James in Vv 1-6 is writing to which group in your opinion?
James describes the following accusations against the rich in these verses:
1. Corroded Wealth: Vv 2-3 is showing that trusting in wealth & greed leads to destruction
2. Selfishness: These men who had more than enough deprived & cheated their workers knowing it was wrong (See Deut. 24:14-15)
3. Murder of Innocent (verse 6)
***Being materially wealthy raises the risk factor and adds pressure, which can twisth the rich's priorities***
IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER being spiritually wealthy can lead pride.
Keep your focus and priorities on Jesus!!! We will continue our journey in James this coming week.
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