QUESTION: When wronged what is our natural tendency?
Answer: to retaliate, seek revenge, hold a grudge or become bitter and sour to the wrong doer.
YET...God a better idea and James shares it here...
QUESTION: What is the illustration of the farmer all about in these verses?
Answer: The farmer is illustrated for his confident expectancy that God would do what He said, however it would require patience and faith in the reliability of God. Sometimes waiting for the rain for a crop can be anxious.
Verse 8 is so timely right now after the current events of should we "non-events" of the May 22nd weekend.
***We need to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord, but remember Scripture states, "No man knows the day or hour"***
Vv 9-11: James reminds us "not to grumble" and then reminds us what the prophets, like Job, walked through. Job's perseverance was blessed by God.
Chuck Swindoll gives the following practical application of Vv 7-11:
- Don't focus on the situation or you'll become patient
- Don't focus on yourself, or you'll become filled with self-pity...Instead stand firm & strengthen our heart
- Don't focus on someone to blame, or you'll begin complaining...Don't grumble against each other
- Be Honest (check out verse 12)
Final words for this week, be careful don't say yes glibly. Let people know your word is good. Don't be double minded.
We will continue James Chapter 5 this coming Sunday, May 29th at 9:30am in the Jesus Cave stop by if you can.
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