We will learn in this chapter that Nehemiah was cupbearer to the King.
QUESTION: What is the significance of the cupbearer?
ANSWER: The cupbearer was actually someone with high rank. His position was to make sure the royal table, especially the King was not poisoned. Part of his job included, tasting the wine before serving to King to make sure it was safe for the King.
As we progress through Nehemiah, knowing he was the cupbearer and its significance will be important.
The author of Nehemiah is said to be Nehemiah and is written in 1st person account.
Vv 1-4: What has happened in Jerusalem? It shows in verse 3 that Jerusalem is in ruins and the people are in distress.
QUESTION: What is Nehemiah’s response?
ANSWER: Verse 4 shows that Nehemiah weeps and mourns. He also fasts and prays.
Our class discussed how Nehemiah included himself and his sins in the prayer of repentance.
We will continue our new journey in Nehemiah on June 19th.
We will see that Nehemiah is a prayer warrior and what leadership he has as we continue.
Sign on church this weekend said, “Christ wants Warriors not Worriers”
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