In verse 16, we see therefore and we must remember to ask “What is it there for?” We see this is there because we just read in verse 15, “And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James is thorough and he is once again taking us a little deeper into maturity.
This confessing to one another is, in my opinion, not saying we confess all to everyone all the time. We should have a few in our lives that we confess all too.
Norma Becker states, “If people are praying for one another…they will keep short accounts with God and will not deteriorate into a situation that needs a restoring process.”
QUESTION: What are your thoughts on Norma’s statement?
QUESTION: Why are the prayers of a righteous person powerful?
ANSWER: The person finds there dependency on God not themselves!!
Because their complete dependency is on God their prayers will be seeking God’s intentions instead of their own. This person doesn’t pray for their will to be done but God’s.
James’ illustration of Elijah is an example of a righteous man’s fervent prayer. However, Elijah was not righteous in himself, any righteousness he exhibited was confidence in the God he prayed to.
Elijah’s prayers were not an ability to pressure God to do something. Instead his prayers were an example of Elijah being given the privilege to participate in God’s work.
Vv 19 & 20: Continuing in sin can be a serious issue…This why James discusses the restoration of a brother or sister who wanders from the truth.
Remember that we can not sin so badly that God will not forgive us, YET w need to turn away from our sin, repent and turn back to God to receive God’s forgiveness.
James covered a lot on spiritual maturity in these 5 chapters. When in difficulty it is so easy to forget the character of God. However, as we close the book of James; may we remember what our lesson writer, Norma Becker said,
“James encouraged his readers, including us to stand with confidence, serve with compassion, speak with care, submit with contriteness (sorrow for sin) and share with concern.”
Spiritual maturity involves every aspect of LIFE.
We start Nehemiah next on June 12th.
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