Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Introduction to James… Part 1


We had the Introduction to James on October 17th. We combined with the Sr. High Sunday School.

Here are some of the things we discussed:

1. James was the brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3)

2. James and the rest of his family were initially skeptical of Jesus’ ministry.

3. James became a believer when Jesus appeared to him and others after his resurrection.

4. James became an important Christian leader in Jerusalem and was one of the “pillars” of the early church.

There are indications that the book was written early and could be one of the earliest NT writings. The letter was to exhort the early believers to Christian maturity and holiness of life. James told believers many things that still hold true today in 2010. He spoke about how to achieve spiritual maturity through a confident stand, compassionate service, careful speech, contrite submission, and concerned sharing. 


***This material is from various sources. I do not claim for this to be mine but borrowed and taught from many different teachers***

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