Friday, October 1, 2010

Jonah 3:7-10


After this blog, we will be caught up to where we are in class. Then you will only receive updates about once a week.

We started this week off with a question:

Why were the animals part of the fast and wearing sackcloth?

The Ninevites had many dieties (gods that they worshipped). They worshipped many animal dieties and even worshipped a fish god named Dagon. Now, before we are hard on them we need to look and see if we have any other gods “little g” in our own lives. 

With this thought in mind, the act of having the animals participate in the fast and wearing sackcloth meant they were subjugating or submitting everything to LORD GOD!

When the King of Nineveh decreed this fast and wearing of sackcloth it basically became law for all of Nineveh. Which means if they did not participate they would be breaking the law set by their King.

Verse 9: The King admits that he does not know “IF” God will spare them from the coming prophesied judgment.

Verse 10: Things GOD SAW:

  1. God saw all Nineveh had done both the evil and know their sign of mourning and changing their ways.
  2. God had mercy for Nineveh. God is better and kinder than we are to one another. We as a church have the tendency to “shoot our wounded.”
  3. God relented for the time being of destroying Nineveh. However, Nineveh as recorded in Nahum and Zephaniah would eventually be destroyed.

QUESTION WE ARE PONDERING: Did Nineveh repent if they were eventually destroyed?

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