Friday, March 18, 2011

James 2:14-26...Sunday,March 13th, 2011...

Question: Is merely knowing something as good actually the same as changing one's attitudes and behaviors to fit with what we know?

Answer: Simply NO...

Isn't knowing that one struggles with admitting to wrong-doing just as good as admitting to the wrong-doing when it occurs. And furthermore, taking the necessary steps to preventing it from reoccurring?

This is no different than you and I declaring we are God's beloved child and our only source of life and then living our life as if it were NOT TRUE.

Vv 14-17: Please notice the problem was not the poorly dressed and hungry person being ignored. The problem is thinking mere words were an adequate substitute for feeding and clothing the brother or sister.

Question: Where did this pattern of thought come from? Do we ever act this way? 

Answer: Yes and an example is when we quickly spout off "I'll pray for ya!" We at times think saying such things is an adequate substitute for spending time and listening to the person.

James is saying here that when we spout "We Trust God" but never act (work) on the basis of that faith; we are no different than those telling his brother or sister, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled."

Vv 18-26: Faith without works is dead

Question: What do you think about this statement:
           'You can't have works, which glorify God without faith just as you can't have faith in God without works.'

What about this statement:
           'You can't show faith apart from your works because they are integrally related to each other.' 

***I personally believe works (acts) are an overflow of one's faith***

Do we fully realize how we live in the midst of circumstances and trials and how we receive God's peace in the midst of troubling times reveals not only to ourselves; but also others our trust in God?

Works should be based on our love for God not in an attempt to win brownie points with God.

Verse 19 shows that to merely believe God exists is no big feat. The demons believe and shudder!!! For us to walk in this belief would mount to emptiness, fruitlessness, and would be meaningless.

Abraham and Rahab show that faith was the root of their righteous actions.
A pastor once told me that struggles meant growth. One of our lesson writers reiterated this same concept in the following way:
             "Faith is not static it must be lived out for us to grow."

James want us to see that we are saved by faith alone (Paul says this) but faith was never meant to remain alone. It is meant to be active. On the other hand, remember works (acts) without faith are empty, which leads to legalism.

Sunday, March 20th we will begin Chapter 3.

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