Monday, August 22, 2011

Will not be around for a couple weeks....

I wanted to let each of you know that I will not be around until after the 29th of August. This has been an extremely testing period for me. God literally knocked me to my knees and I am asking Him to show me what He wants me to learn. I love and miss you all.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sunday, July 31st, 2011: Nehemiah 4:10-23…


Vv 10-14: We have seen external resistance from Sanballat & his cohorts but in these verses, we see something different…INTERNAL RESISTANCE!!!

We see Judah coming forth with 3 problems in their eyes:

1. Workers are tired

2. Too many external problems

3. Task just too big to be done

The tribe of Judah is wanting to quit. If Nehemiah doesn’t handle this internal opposition, it could spread to the other tribes. Nehemiah was a keen leader and realized this fact.

Unfortunately, this same thing of internal resistance happens today…the very people who should be encouraging us (our Barnabas’) are telling us to quit. They are saying some of the same things the tribe of Judah (tired, excessive external problems, & impossible) brought forth to Nehemiah.

*** One of the main things is people don’t want to deal with the “rubble” that needs to be removed before the productive building can begin***

Nehemiah as mentioned is a keen leader and realizes the people need to be refocused to the Lord.

Vv 15-23:

God revealed the enemies plan to Nehemiah & he took the necessary actions to continue the work. Yet, he also knew the importance of being alert of the dangers. Nehemiah prepared the tribes to resist the enemy and to be able to defend themselves upon attack.

Think about how difficult it would be to hold a spear in one hand and build with a trowel in the other.

QUESTION: are we this willing to fight & build, at the same time, for the Glory of God?

One commentator, I read this week, brought up the tribes were ready for battle but they did not go picking or provoking a battle with the enemy. Instead they stayed focused on the task at hand building the wall.

QUESTION: How does this relate to us in a spiritual realm?

ANSWER: We need to be prepared when the enemy come at us but we don’t let the enemy be our main focus. Instead let God continue His work of building the kingdom be our main focus.

I remember watching a well-known teacher’s video and it was less than two minutes before she had turned the focus onto the enemy. God is not saying ignore the enemy and his advances but they do not need to be our PRIMARY FOCUS…GOD SHOULD ALWAYS BE OUR PRIMARY FOCUS!




Next week we tackle Chapter 5. Be blessed.

**Jesus Plus Nothing Blog was read**

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sunday, July 24th, 2011: Nehemiah 4:1-9....

I try hard to make sure this blog is as accurate to our Sunday morning class as possible for those of you who either are away or absent on Sunday morning. However, this past Sunday God went so far off my notes that I am not sure how well of a representation this blog will be for the class that was held. Yet, I am still sharing my notes with you for this is what I have promised to do. So here we go:

Read Nehemiah Chapter 4:1-9.

Notice that Sanballat's reaction has escalated. In Ch 2 v 10, he was described as disturbed. Then further in Ch 2, he is recruiting others to be against Nehemiah. He has the group mocking and ridiculing Nehemiah and the impending work. NOW in Ch 4 verse 1, Sanballat is described as indignant.

**The thing we need to realize and walk away with is the more God moves in us the more of a target we become for the enemy***

Then in verse 2 & 3, we see Sanballat is instigating & bringing even more again Nehemiah & the rebuilding of the wall.

Verse 4 & 5 shows Nehemiah doing what each of us knows is the best method....but so often do not do....He goes to the Father in prayer. Yet, his prayer has changed over the course of these chapters. Go back and read it again.

Our enemies & those against God's work can provoke God to anger, as seen at the end of verse 5.

As we read this, we can learn a few things about an effective worker in Chapter 4:

1. An effective worker has a mind to work.
2. An effective worker has a heart to pray.
3. An effective worker has an eye to watch.

We will cover more of the effective worker as we journey on.

Note: Effective worker portion comes from blog of "Jesus Plus Nothing".

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunday, July 17th, 2011: Nehemiah 3....

First things first, Read all of Chapter 3. It will be worth it in the long run...Promise!

Let's start this week with a question: What is the main focus of Chapter 3?

Answer: Many people of different walks of life were a part of God's work rebuilding the wall.

Refresher Question: Who called Nehemiah to rebuild the wall?
Answer is found in Chapter 2 verse 12: GOD

There are a few things we can see in Chapter 3:

  • God brought unity to the workers for the team effort needed to rebuild the wall.
  • Everyone always has something to offer. When God calls us to a work, He will work through everyone He calls.
  • Rebuilding many times started at home. It is important to not be so focused on others and forget that their ministry starts at home. 
  • All the work was done by volunteers. It is almost unimaginable in today's "Me, Me" Society, but none of these volunteers got paid. All this rebuilding work was done for the Glory of God.
Question: What is the motive for doing God's work?

Answer: God remembers & records names. 

Our loving Father sees every action at all times. He knows the number of hairs on our head and keeps our tears in a bottle according to Scripture. 

Many would look at Chapter 3 and just see a bunch of hard to pronounce names....YET, there is so much more there and we must trust God to reveal these things to us. 

We will be heading to Chapter 4 on July 24th. Be blessed!  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sunday, July 10th, 2011: Nehemiah 2:10-20....

We looked last at Nehemiah being sad before the King. Nehemiah praying and then making his request to the King. King giving above & beyond what Nehemiah requested.

Now, we pick up with verse 10...

Question: What happens in verse 10?

Answer: We must not be surprised by the resistance that is nearly immediate against Nehemiah.

Vv 11-15: Surveying the Land

Nehemiah has arrived in Jerusalem, He knew it was a necessity to see the reported damage w/his own eyes.

***We can hear of great damage, but only when we see it with our own eyes can we fully comprehend...Nehemiah knew this.

Nehemiah slipped out at night taking just a few with him.

Question: Why do you think he only took a few with him to survey the land?

Vv16-18: Nehemiah tells people what they already knew about damage but doesn't stop there... Nehemiah shares with people what God has already done for them.

Question: Are we sharing with people what God is doing our lives?

The people are prepared to join Nehemiah in the work...then we get to verse 19.

In verse 19, the scoffers show back up...but they bring Geshem the Arab with them now. We must realize that those against God's work will bring back-up if the work continues to move forward.

Verse 20: Nehemiah's response is just as much an encouragement to the people of Jerusalem as a rebuke to the scoffers. The scoffers tried to bring up rebelling against the King. They knew full well this was NOT TRUE yet, they were hoping the people didn't. Remember Nehemiah came with letters from King for all the governors.

***It is important to realize as we move forward in our walk & devotion to Jesus; we will have scoffers. They may even try to twist the truth or give false information to those around us.


Last thought...when responding to our scoffers may our speech be like Nehemiah's.

We head to Chapter 3 on July 17th.

Have a blessed one!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011: Nehemiah 2:1-10....

QUESTION: What is the significance of Nehemiah being sad in front of the King?

ANSWER: As we learned in Ch 1 verse 11, Nehemiah was cupbearer to the King. There were numerous complications to him being "sad" before the King; including the fact that he could have been "sad" because the King's wine was poisoned.

QUESTION: In verse w, why does Nehemiah become "dreadfully afraid?"

ANSWER: Nehemiah being sad in front of the King could have easily resulted in His death. A good reason to become "dreadfully afraid."

***Notice in verse 4 that Nehemiah prays before responding to the King***

QUESTION: When we have to answer for our emotions or behavior do we pray first then answer?

Vv 5 & 6: Nehemiah ask the King to be relieved of his duties to go back & rebuild his homeland.

***The amazing thing is in verse 6...Nehemiah gives the King a time frame for how long he will be gone***

We shall see, as we journey on that God completes the rebuilding of the wall in record time. This amazes  me because it shows that Nehemiah must of known what God was planning to do...How else could he have "set a time" for the King?

In Vv 7-9, Nehemiah is bold and ask the King for letters & provisions to let everyone know he is journeying with the King's blessings.

God grants Nehemiah favor and the King gives Nehemiah all he request. However, the King gives Nehemiah even more than he originally requested. We see in verse 9 that the King sends "captains of the army & horsemen with them (meaning Nehemiah)"

We must realize that God desires to give us more than we could possibly imagine. Yet, we act like paupers.

We will continue Nehemiah 2 on July 10th. :-)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Sunday, June 26th, 2011: SUBSTITUTE....

Our class went to be with the Young Adult class while I was out of town. We will start Nehemiah 2 on July 3rd.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 19th, 2011: Nehemiah 1:8-11....

Nehemiah is not telling God anything that He doesn't already know...
Verse 8 refers Leviticus 26:33 & Verse 9 refers to Deut. 30:2-5

QUESTION in the final verses of Chapter 1, what two things does Nehemiah ask of God?

ANSWER: In v 11, he ask for the Lord's ear to be attentive to Nehemiah's prayer. Secondly, to give success & grant him mercy in sight of the King.

QUESTION: How does Nehemiah view himself in relation to God?

ANSWER: verse 10, Nehemiah describes himself as God's servant

QUESTION: How do you view yourself in relation to God?

I read an interesting "big picture" survey of Nehemiah this week... this writer described Nehemiah as a type of Jesus. We will see this in Nehemiah, when he gives up his royal status-filled position as cup bearer to go & rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. We discussed last week that Nehemiah means "Yahweh consoles" or "Yahweh comforts" and this is certainly what Jesus is and does for us.

In all that Nehemiah says and does in this chapter shows an attitude and actions of a man alive to God.

QUESTION: Are you alive to God? Are you one that is spiritually reborn and living by the Spirit?

We see in verse 11 that Nehemiah states, "he was the King's cup bearer"

Nehemiah in being willing to leave his position of cup bearer reveals he cared more for God's people & the restoration of God's glory than of himself.

TOUGH QUESTION: Would you be willing to leave your life, if it would restore God's glory and His people?

The church is meant to be a representation of God's glory. The question we need to ask is what has happened? Today, in many cases, the church is not much of different than the world.

Are you willing to leave the comfortable to see God restore His church? Are you willing to be a modern day Nehemiah?

All College & Career students will go in with the Young Adult class this week. We will return to Nehemiah on July 3rd.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sunday, June 12th…Nehemiah Introduction and Chapter 1: 1-7


We will learn in this chapter that Nehemiah was cupbearer to the King.

QUESTION: What is the significance of the cupbearer?

ANSWER: The cupbearer was actually someone with high rank. His position was to make sure the royal table, especially the King was not poisoned. Part of his job included, tasting the wine before serving to King to make sure it was safe for the King.

As we progress through Nehemiah, knowing he was the cupbearer and its significance will be important.

The author of Nehemiah is said to be Nehemiah and is written in 1st person account.

Vv 1-4: What has happened in Jerusalem?  It shows in verse 3 that Jerusalem is in ruins and the people are in distress.

QUESTION: What is Nehemiah’s response?

ANSWER: Verse 4 shows that Nehemiah weeps and mourns. He also fasts and prays.

Our class discussed how Nehemiah included himself and his sins in the prayer of repentance.

We will continue our new journey in Nehemiah on June 19th.

We will see that Nehemiah is a prayer warrior and what leadership he has as we continue.

Sign on church this weekend said, “Christ wants Warriors not Worriers”

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sunday, June 5th, 2011…James 5:16-20


In verse 16, we see therefore and we must remember to ask “What is it there for?” We see this is there because we just read in verse 15, “And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” James is thorough and he is once again taking us a little deeper into maturity.

This confessing to one another is, in my opinion, not saying we confess all to everyone all the time. We should have a few in our lives that we confess all too.

Norma Becker states, “If people are praying for one another…they will keep short accounts with God and will not deteriorate into a situation that needs a restoring process.”

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on Norma’s statement?

QUESTION: Why are the prayers of a righteous person powerful?

ANSWER: The person finds there dependency on God not themselves!!

Because their complete dependency is on God their prayers will be seeking God’s intentions instead of their own. This person doesn’t pray for their will to be done but God’s.

James’ illustration of Elijah is an example of a righteous man’s fervent prayer. However, Elijah was not righteous in himself, any righteousness he exhibited was confidence in the God he prayed to.

Elijah’s prayers were not an ability to pressure God to do something. Instead his prayers were an example of Elijah being given the privilege to participate in God’s work.

Vv 19 & 20: Continuing in sin can be a serious issue…This why James discusses the restoration of a brother or sister who wanders from the truth.

Remember that we can not sin so badly that God will not forgive us, YET w need to turn away from our sin, repent and turn back to God to receive God’s forgiveness.

James covered a lot on spiritual maturity in these 5 chapters. When in difficulty it is so easy to forget the character of God.  However, as we close the book of James; may we remember what our lesson writer, Norma Becker said,

“James encouraged his readers, including us to stand with confidence, serve with compassion, speak with care, submit with contriteness (sorrow for sin) and share with concern.”

Spiritual maturity involves every aspect of LIFE.

We start Nehemiah next on June 12th.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sunday, May 29th: James 5:13-15…


We jump back into James wrapping up his letter by reminding his readers and us to participate in God’s Work. The key to growth in love and trust is made possible through PRAYER.

Whatever our circumstances, James response is to PRAY!

Verse 13: James says, “Is anyone suffering?” Let him pray.

James doesn’t quality the kind or severity of suffering for that doesn’t matter. It also, doesn’t matter if it a little suffering or a lot of suffering…if suffering is involved then God is intimately concerned about us.

At times when suffering, we can be tempted to think God is absent or doesn’t care. This is COMPLETELY UNTRUE!! We need to run to God in prayer. James doesn’t outline any particular principles to live by for the suffering to be alleviated. He simply tells them to pray & communicate with our living God. Please notice James says pray & communicate…it is possible to pray without truly communicating and to communicate without true prayer.

James then ask in verse 13, “Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise!”

QUESTION: Why does James tackle being cheerful & happy?

ANSWER: When things are going good, we have a tendency to forget to give praise for the good God does. We need to remember to have an attitude of gratitude.

Vv 14-15: James know tackles if anyone is sick.

First, James shows in verse 15 that not all illness is caused from sin. James wants us to know that God is concerned with ALL those who are sick. It doesn’t matter if it is physical, spiritual, or caused by sin or not? What matters is that one of HIS CHILDREN is sick.

What is interesting in these two verses is James starts like in verse 13 & 14 by telling them to PRAY! However, when James reaches this portion he bring in others to pray over the sick also, Why?

QUESTION: Why do you think James specifies to call the elders of the church to pray over the sick?

ANSWER FROM OUR LESSON WRITER: The lesson writer gave the following view:

“It may be possible that the sick not only feel alienated from God but also from the church. Some people may believe their illness in some way indicates spiritual failure and that the church will withdraw from them”

MY RESPONSE: “Whoa to any church that would behave in that matter (i.e. saying illness indicates spiritual failure and withdrawing)”

Unfortunately, I am sure there are some churches that do behave in the above manner and we must pray for them.

QUESTION: Why does James call the elder’s prayer, “a prayer of faith”?

ANSWER: Once again, let’s look at our lesson writer’s answer for this question:

“The prayer of faith is one that hands ALL over to the Savior God, confident in His (God’s) character and purposes rather than counting on the strength of one’s own believing”

GOD SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE OBJECT OF OUR FAITH!!! Yet, we must realize this comes with maturity. Remember the book of James is teaching how to be spiritually mature.

One last thing the “prayer of faith” doesn’t mean ‘instant’ healing…even though God can do that if He so chooses. This prayer knows where one’s ultimate healing resides and it will be given but not on our terms but God’s!!!

We will finish James this coming week. See you then… Smile

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sunday, May 22nd: James 5:7-12...

In these verses, James is revisiting the open lines of the book of James. He began in Chapter 1 telling us, his readers, "to count it all joy when in various trials" and "to know that the testing of their faith produced patience."

QUESTION: When wronged what is our natural tendency?

Answer: to retaliate, seek revenge, hold a grudge or become bitter and sour to the wrong doer.

YET...God a better idea and James shares it here...

QUESTION: What is the illustration of the farmer all about in these verses?

Answer: The farmer is illustrated for his confident expectancy that God would do what He said, however it would require patience and faith in the reliability of God. Sometimes waiting for the rain for a crop can be anxious.

Verse 8 is so timely right now after the current events of should we "non-events" of the May 22nd weekend.

***We need to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord, but remember Scripture states, "No man knows the day or hour"***

Vv 9-11: James reminds us "not to grumble" and then reminds us what the prophets, like Job, walked through. Job's perseverance was blessed by God.

Chuck Swindoll gives the following practical application of Vv 7-11:

  • Don't focus on the situation or you'll become patient
  • Don't focus on yourself, or you'll become filled with self-pity...Instead stand firm & strengthen our heart
  • Don't focus on someone to blame, or you'll begin complaining...Don't grumble against each other
  • Be Honest (check out verse 12)
Final words for this week, be careful don't say yes glibly. Let people know your word is good. Don't be double minded. 

We will continue James Chapter 5 this coming Sunday, May 29th at 9:30am in the Jesus Cave stop by if you can.

Friday, May 20, 2011

James 5:1-6...Sunday,May 15th, 2011...

Quick Review of two temptations discussed in James so during May 8th class:

1. The temptation to put down and judge our brothers & sisters in Christ.
2. Second temptation is to make our own plans and believe we have the POWER instead of God being in complete TOTAL CONTROL.

Today, while entering Chapter 5, we see the temptation to trust in wealth instead of God.

QUESTION: Does James condemn all wealthy and rich? Why or Why not?

Answer: Once again during this study, it is not the circumstances (a person's wealth) but the attitude towards the wealth. This counsel is against those with wrong attitudes & priorities of the wealthy.

QUESTION: What is wealth?

Scripture determines 4 different Economic Groups:

a. Poor Outside (none of the world's good) & Poor Inside (None of Jesus)
b. Poor Outside & Rich Inside (Have Eternal Life in Jesus)
c. Rich Outside  (lots of material goods) & Rich Inside
d. Rich Outside & Poor Inside

QUESTION: What do you think of these four groups?

James in Vv 1-6 is writing to which group in your opinion?

James describes the following accusations against the rich in these verses:

1. Corroded Wealth: Vv 2-3 is showing that trusting in wealth & greed leads to destruction
2. Selfishness: These men who had more than enough deprived & cheated their workers knowing it was wrong (See Deut. 24:14-15)
3. Murder of Innocent (verse 6)

***Being materially wealthy raises the risk factor and adds pressure, which can twisth the rich's priorities***

IT IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER being spiritually wealthy can lead pride.

Keep your focus and priorities on Jesus!!! We will continue our journey in James this coming week.

Friday, May 13, 2011

James 4:11-17...Sunday,May 8th, 2011...

I was out sick on May 1st and just in case any one is wondering that is why there was no blog last week.
Praise God, I am doing better even though the smoke from the fire has been causing some issues for me.
Now on to James...

When we forget who we are in God, it becomes a downward quick slide to being jealous & envious of others. We remove our focus from God to others. We start comparing, which leads to anger w/God.

James is showing in Vv 11-17 what happens once jealous, envy & anger enter into the picture. Once we start comparing & judging, arrogance sets in. We go down the slippery slope of thinking we are in control of our own futures.

Vv10-12: James is dealing with speaking evil against one another & judging one another. Our lesson writer states James does not intend for us to look at the two things mentioned as separate practices.

***We must realize that when we speak evil against one another is to judge them***

QUESTION: What constitutes "speaking evil against one another"?

James is determining judgement as the "final" word about another person. This include the person's character, behavior, and/or value.  An example of "final" word would be saying such things as:
            "He will never" or "She always"

We should never declare judgement of "so and so" being a "hopeless case!"

Verse 12: James is explaining that declaring judgement means we are saying "we are an expert in God's Law." Once, we do this we have fallen out of right relationship w/the law of God. Our correct & right relationship w/God's Law is to be people who obey it out of love, trust, and hope in Him who created us & teaches us how to live.


Vv13-14 QUESTION: Is James saying to NEVER PLAN?

Answer: No, the people's mistake was in planning like they have THE POWER over the future.

We have all either heard or even said ourselves, "Lord willing" & "If it is the Lord's Will"

QUESTION: "Is saying these things about all of our plans a guarantee that we have the right attitude?"

Answer: We must have an attitude of submission. Don't use these words like some sort of charm. James is discussing how some practice "boasting & bragging" instead of truly subjecting their plans to God's Will.

Remember, we have said from the beginning that the purpose of James' letter is to attain spiritual maturity. Let's review some of the things James has said in Chapters 1-4:

  • Stand confidently on God's Word even in the midst of trials & temptations
  • We must compassionately serve fellow believers w/out favoritism but w/practical faith
  • We must speak carefully with a God controlled tongue & wise thoughts
  • We must submit to our ALL-Powerful Father, Lawgiver & judge w/a humble spirit, just actions & a trusting heart
  • We must be who God wants us to be, do what God wants us to do, & speak what wants us to speak
  • To know the Will of God, do the Will of God,  fully understand & comprehend God is ultimately in control.
We move on to Chapter 5. Have a blessed week! 

Friday, April 29, 2011

James 4:1-10...Sunday,April 24th, 2011...(Easter Sunday)

We finished last week with James discussing "righteousness being sown in peace by those who make peace." Remember God's peace is not merely the absence of conflict. God's peace is instead a wholeness and wealth that is expressed by a sense of contentment that is NOT dependent on circumstances.

QUESTION: What TWO reasons does James state for not receiving from God in Vv 5 & 6?

1. You do not ask GOD (please notice here it specifies asking God). We can't ask others and then wonder why we are not receiving. We must ask God!

2. We ask wrongly & with improper motives. The word "desire" or "pleasure" here is the source of the English word "hedonism"

QUESTION: What is hedonism?

Hedonism means to seek pleasure as the chief ultimate goal of life and NOTHING, NOT EVEN GOD, will be allowed to stand in the way of experiencing this self-sought pleasure. (Norma Becker)

These passions and desires for self-sought pleasure tempt us to believe we must control, possess, and obtain pleasure to have peace. We must understand this deceptive view leads to destruction & discontent.

The part many find hard to swallow here is this deceptive view is "spiritual unfaithfulness" to God. Therefore, this is why James calls us "adulterous people." See if we are focusing solely on ourselves and our self-sought pleasure then we are making me, myself and I more important than God. We are in essence saying we are God or whatever we are seeking is being idolized. Having an idol or seeing ourselves as God (even if we don't admit to this fact) is SPIRITUAL UNFAITHFULNESS.

Quick TRUE OR FALSE: The Scripture states, "God helps them who help themselves"

THIS IS FALSE. This is a world-built philosophy. When we try to walk in this false philosophy, we are actually trying to once again get God to cooperate with our plans. When He doesn't act or do what we feel should be done then we become angry towards God.

QUESTION: What do we need to do if we find ourselves falling into what James describes as "Being a friend of the world and an enemy of God"?

First, we must acknowledge God is not neutral about us and what we do. God created us with HIS BEST in mind. He loves us wholly & completely. He is passionate about His Will being completed in our lives.

Second, We must understand God is jealous over us, ready to protect us in all circumstances.

Third, God's grace shows up as opposition to the proud. He will oppose our efforts that do not show complete confidence and trust in Him.

Once we acknowledge these three things then God shows us in Vv 7-10 how to rectify the fact that we have become "a friend to the world and an enemy to God. The following are the steps to root out the sinful attitude of Pride:

  • 1. Submit yourselves: Submission is not the same as obedience. It is when we submit our will to God that we are lead to obedience.
  • Resist the devil
  • Come near to God and He will come near to you: A wonderful assurance
  • Wash/Cleanse your hands (Repentance for our prideful behavior)
  • Purify your hearts: This is a step further than repentance it is the step of having purity of thoughts  & motives, which is accomplished by setting our heart's desires on God's desires
  • Lament, Mourn & Weep (You are sadden cause your actions have saddened God)
  • Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord (You are grateful for the forgiveness given to you)
In conclusion, we must understand sin leads to NOTHING good. When we attempt to have 'our way' there is always a destructive cost. We hurt others, ourselves & God. 

God's way not 'our way' can be fully trusted to receive from His loving hand the transforming work in our lives. We learned in Chapter 1, that God intends nothing less for us than to 'be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing' (verse 4) and 'to receive the crown of life, which God has promised for those who love Him' (verse 12). 

QUESTION: Knowing this why do we insist on "our way"? 

We will continue on journey in James Chapter 4 on May 1st. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

June 18th: College & Career Conference....

Help us get the word out to all the College & Career (18-29 yr olds) within a 2-3 hour radius of New Bern. Thanks in advance. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunday, April 17th...James 3:13-18...

Let's start with a quick refresher: Throughout James, we have been discussing how James is writing to a persecuted and scattered people. James has been focusing on how to live in the midst of tribulations and temptations.

We finished up last week on our discussion of the tongue. One aspect being that we must let God control our tongue in ALL circumstances.

As we delve into this week's lesson, James will show us how to handle struggles of life with WISDOM. However, we will see TRUE WISDOM only comes from God.

Let's start with a question: What is meant by "good conduct" or "good life" in verse 13 concerning one's works? It doesn't mean there is no trouble in this person's life but that their works are done in meekness.

This brings us to our next question: Does meekness or humble mean weakness?

According to Norma Becker (one of the lesson writer's used for this study), "Meekness or humble means "Strength under control." This is one whose strength comes from relying on God and not self. This person also relies on God for vindication and refuses to retaliate when insulted.

**Remember TRUE WISDOM comes from God. It is not just good advice, good ideas, or good morals**

God's Wisdom is real when it is in motion, However, this is more than giving to charity. Wisdom is from God in a person's life is shown by how he/she deals with family, friends, finances, spend free time and approaches life in general.

QUESTION: Who is guiding your life? Is it God's TRUE WISDOM or the world's wisdom?

Living in the meekness of God's TRUE WISDOM means we do not let our current circumstances tell us who we are and who we belong to....

James further instructs the wisdom of meekness doesn't exist in jealous and ambitious heart. Jealousy creates a wedge not only between us and others but also with God. We must come to the realization that the world's wisdom is actually anti-wisdom for there is NO TRUE WISDOM without God.

Anti-wisdom results in confusion and evil whereas, Godly Wisdom is (as stated in verse 17) pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy & grace fruits without hypocrisy or partiality.

Therefore, We want to walk away from today's lesson understanding this final thought:

"To be wise is to see that our present circumstances DO NOT tell the story of our real worth or limit our ability to receive full life from God"---(courtesy of Trinity Study Center lesson writer).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sunday, April 10th: James 3:9-12


This past Sunday was a continuation on the issue of the tongue. James has shown so far how the tongue can be both a positive (only when totally controlled by God) or a negative (when controlled by man).

QUESTION: We need to be willing to ask if we are blessing God with our tongue but cursing man.

This is why James is discussing that a spring can’t have both salt and fresh water flowing from it. I want to point out though that there is a point where salt and fresh combine to become brackish water but this is not flowing from it is water that is dumped into.

I must confess as a bible student and a teacher this this one verse (verse 11) has caused me a great amount of disturbance. Well, let me rephrase that it is not the verse actually. I totally agree that a spring can not put forth both fresh and bitter water from the same source. My problem is I get all turned around when I start thinking of brackish water. Maybe this doesn’t happen to anyone else…

This was a short study this week. Mainly because I am still dealing with the whole brackish water topic. Anyone want to throw in their two cents?

We will pick up with verse 13 this Sunday.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011: James 3:6-8...

Last week, we looked at the beginning of James' discussion on the tongue. We will continue our discussion on the tongue this week. James is telling his readers that how they use their tongues has a huge impact on how they live their lives.

QUESTION: Do we believe this is true for us today?

Let's start with verse 6, James furthers his discussion concerning the tongue being equated to fire.

We must realize that God intends to transform us so that what comes out of our mouths is always a reflection of the goodness, the peace, the presence of our living Heavenly Father.

QUESTION: Are we willing to ask God if our tongue is being used the way God intended?

Even though God for the tongue to be used the way described above. We often see the tongue in our society is being used unrighteously, spreading distrust in God, bending & twisting things to be less in line with its intended purpose. It (our tongue) has become a fire out of control.

QUESTION: When you are in trials & temptations, do you trust God and use your tongue to praise Him and His Goodness? Or do you use your tongue to vent doubt and frustration through unkind or angry words, gossip, grumbling, coldness or manipulation?

Here comes the really tough question: When is the last time you used your tongue to say a mean or unkind word and then said, "I was just kidding?"

We must come to the stark and evident realization that whenever we participate in this type of behavior, we are misrepresenting God and His intended use of the tongue.

OUR CHALLENGE: We must seek God with a heart asking if our tongue is on fire for the Lord or is it a destructive fiery tool?

In Vv 7-8: James in pointing out that "no man" can tame the tongue only God can. Man can tame beast but not his own tongue.

We will continue our discussion with James on Sunday. Have a blessed day! :-)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

James 3:1-5...Sunday,March 27th, 2011...

Question: Why would James say "not many of you should become teachers?"

Answer: James states his main reason in Verse 1 of Chapter 3, teachers will be judged with a greater strictness.

Here are some other reasons to not become a teacher (each one has a tie to verse 1):

1. Teachers are responsible to teach TRUTH and not his/her opinion.
2. A teacher's teaching affects many lives....not just the student in the classroom.
3. A teacher must live out in their own lives the TRUTH being taught. (Walk the walk, not talk the talk)

***With all the responsibility of teaching, it amazes me that some want to be teachers. Are you eager to teach at any cost? At the cost of students disliking you because you teach the TRUTH? ***

Many people are so eager to teach or lead but they never stop to thing of the responsibility and even consequences of being called by God to teach or lead. I can honestly say that most people, I personally know who are great teachers or leaders fought it before agreeing with God about their calling.

Vv 3-5: James using the illustration of the tongue in these next verses because a teacher's main tool is speaking (using their tongue). Yet, the discussion of the tongue if good for everyone.

The one thing that is important to see in the illustrations James used concerning the tongue is each of these illustrations can be either positive or negative. Everyone has a tendency to focus on the illustrations from the negative because of the verse following verse 5. However, it is important to understand the main decision factor is who is controlling the tongue?

If God is controlling the tongue then it is a positive thing. Were we get in trouble is when we think we can control the tongue. If a bit is used properly in the horse it is a good thing. Whereas, if it is used improperly it can hurt the horse. The rudder on the ship is a wonderful positive thing in the proper hands but in the wrong hands....let's just say I don't know too many people volunteering for that trip.

Even fire if used in the proper hands is a good thing but in the wrong hands it can do great damage. Yet, it is important to point out that even if someone has good intentions but are trying to operate without proper training or in their own power, people tend to get hurt along the way.

it is important to understand that our words do have an impact. It is further important to understand that we are always teaching or leading someone. It may be an informal type thing but you are always teaching or leading someone. A younger brother/sister may be watching your every move. What are you teaching them? Little ones at your church are watching you...what are you teaching them? Classmates are watching you...what are you teaching them?

One last thing must be made clear, do not walk away from this lesson thinking that God is a puppet on a string or the "big santa clause" in the sky waiting to serve your every whim. God is a righteous God and He does not have to do something or give us something because we "speak it." If you walk away from this lesson with that theology then you missed the whole point of what James was saying.

Have a blessed week. We will march on to verse 6 and beyond next week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Talking to God....

I have been talking to God this week because to my human eye, weird things are happening to the College & Career Sunday morning class. What do I mean by weird things? Well, it seems this class is becoming more and more a virtual class.

Most of the students, who are currently attending, when they are in-town just happen to spend a large majority of their time away at school. There are a few (I am grateful for them) that come to class on Sunday morning but that number is dwindling....why I don't particularly of the questions that I am asking God.

This class started in 2009 and we have been faithfully studying God's Word since then. We are even seeing God putting together a College & Career Conference that will reach out to College & Career all over this area.

As the teacher of this class, I am being faithful to what God has called me to do. I will study the lesson each week and it will be taught to the students in the classroom; as well as to the virtual students through this blog.

I pray that each of you will attend the College & Career Conference as well as coming by the classroom on Sunday mornings....when your schedule allows.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday, March 20th….


On Sunday, March 20th there were no students. Therefore, no class was held. However, I feel God is leading me (after this week) to continue posting the class even if there is no students.

I believe God is doing this for one main reason: The students who get this blog who are in colleges throughout the United States should not have no class, because I had no students at River Bend that particular week. I have prepared the class and am ready to teach each week and will go ahead and put up the blog.

This means it will become the responsibility of the in-town college students to read the blog if they miss class just as if they were one of the out-of-town college students.

I am in prayer about our class during the week while studying and ask if of you to be in prayer not only for our class, but also for me.

Thank you in advance. I love each of you and pray God showers blessings upon you today.

Friday, March 18, 2011

James 2:14-26...Sunday,March 13th, 2011...

Question: Is merely knowing something as good actually the same as changing one's attitudes and behaviors to fit with what we know?

Answer: Simply NO...

Isn't knowing that one struggles with admitting to wrong-doing just as good as admitting to the wrong-doing when it occurs. And furthermore, taking the necessary steps to preventing it from reoccurring?

This is no different than you and I declaring we are God's beloved child and our only source of life and then living our life as if it were NOT TRUE.

Vv 14-17: Please notice the problem was not the poorly dressed and hungry person being ignored. The problem is thinking mere words were an adequate substitute for feeding and clothing the brother or sister.

Question: Where did this pattern of thought come from? Do we ever act this way? 

Answer: Yes and an example is when we quickly spout off "I'll pray for ya!" We at times think saying such things is an adequate substitute for spending time and listening to the person.

James is saying here that when we spout "We Trust God" but never act (work) on the basis of that faith; we are no different than those telling his brother or sister, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled."

Vv 18-26: Faith without works is dead

Question: What do you think about this statement:
           'You can't have works, which glorify God without faith just as you can't have faith in God without works.'

What about this statement:
           'You can't show faith apart from your works because they are integrally related to each other.' 

***I personally believe works (acts) are an overflow of one's faith***

Do we fully realize how we live in the midst of circumstances and trials and how we receive God's peace in the midst of troubling times reveals not only to ourselves; but also others our trust in God?

Works should be based on our love for God not in an attempt to win brownie points with God.

Verse 19 shows that to merely believe God exists is no big feat. The demons believe and shudder!!! For us to walk in this belief would mount to emptiness, fruitlessness, and would be meaningless.

Abraham and Rahab show that faith was the root of their righteous actions.
A pastor once told me that struggles meant growth. One of our lesson writers reiterated this same concept in the following way:
             "Faith is not static it must be lived out for us to grow."

James want us to see that we are saved by faith alone (Paul says this) but faith was never meant to remain alone. It is meant to be active. On the other hand, remember works (acts) without faith are empty, which leads to legalism.

Sunday, March 20th we will begin Chapter 3.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Praises from one of our virtual students….


We have people who get the lesson each week through this blog. Some are active in other churches, some away at school, still others who just couldn’t make it to class for one reason or another. The following is from one of those virtual students:

“Thank you, SO MUCH for sending me the RBBC College and Career emails!  I opened mine, just now and it helps me to remember what I've studied on in the book of James.  Thank you”

If you know someone who would benefit from our lesson blogs just send them to our blog site and they can sign up for the weekly blogs. If that is too complicated then just e-mail me their information. They will have to confirm they want the blogs.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunday, February 27th: James 2:1-7…


QUESTION: What would you do if a dirty, stinky man walked into your church or class this Sunday? How about if it was the town’s wealthy known well-dressed womanizer? How about the high school’s football all star?

The way we answer these questions says something about us. It is actually in today’s society seen as the proper thing to help those down and out. It is the battle cry of a new generation to reach out to the poor and destitute. However, how do you treat that womanizer or football all-star?

Many people use the passage in James, we are studying today to ask the same questions stated above. Yet, I want us to look at this passage in the context of what we have been studying in James Chapter 1.

Remember the people James is writing to is a group of people who have been in on-going difficulty and persecution. With this thought in mind, let’s reexamine James Chapter 2:1-7.

In verse 1, James call Jesus “the one and only Lord of Glory.” He did this because the readers (including US) need to be brought back to the right place to receive help in times of trouble.  Glance back in Chapter 1 at verse 5 and 17, that we learned it is God who “gives to us generously and gives us every good and perfect gift.”

At times when we are having on-going difficulty we have a tendency to look at those who have what the world considers “success” to get us out of our trouble. This is exactly what is happening in James. James is telling his readers, “Don’t look to the one who has the wealth for your answers.” He furthers says roughly translated, “Hello, aren’t these people the ones dragging you into court and oppressing you. Why are you looking to them for the answers.”

We need to make sure we are looking to God always for the answers, not man or the world’s view of success.

We will continue on with James Chapter 2 on Sunday, March 6th. Have a blessed day! Smile

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday, February 20th….


There were no students on February 20th, therefore there was no class. We will pick up starting James Chapter 2 on February 27th.

Don’t forget the College & Career Conference is June 18th. Continue praying as preparations are being made. We are also looking for sponsors.

Friday, February 18, 2011

James 1:19-27...Sunday,February 14th, 2011...Part Two

We looked at Vv 19-25 in the first Part of our blog on the February 14th lesson. Now lets dive into Vv 26 & 27 and then do a wrap-up of James Chapter 1.

QUESTION: How does verse 26 say we can deceive our hearts?
ANSWER: Believing we are 'religious' but not bridling 'holding' our tongue.

Remember these people have been in on-going difficulty and James is instructing them in three specific ways:

  1. It is not okay to let your tongue run wild while in difficulty
  2. Visit orphans & widows
  3. Stay unstained from the world
The Greek word for religious here is defined as an external religious worship, which consists of ceremonies and religious discipline. James is basically saying that it doesn't mean 'squat' what you do externally if when life hits you from all sides you don't bridle your tongue, take care of those who can't take care of themselves and keep yourself unstained from the world.

Question: What does unstained from the world mean? Does it mean never interacting with unbelievers?


James has shown throughout Chapter One that when exercising a TRUE RELATIONSHIPS with Jesus through difficulties which will come (not 'if' they come) we will choose:
  • To live as the beloved sons & daughters of God that we are
  • To believe and know that God is involved no matter what our circumstances may currently be
  • To understand God is transforming us to be His mature children
I leave us with this final comment from Anita Carman: "Remember God transforms us through practicing and living His Word not just by reading and/or quoting it"

Now we head to Chapter 2. Have a blessed week. :^)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

James 1:19-27...Sunday,February 14th, 2011...Part One

We had a wonderful Valentine's celebration in class this past Sunday. May God bless you this week.

Vv 19-20: James starts verse 19 in some translations with the words, "So then." Our question was "So then" what and why? We saw last week in Vv 17 & 18 that every every good and perfect gift comes from God. Also, that God not only created us because He wanted to but we are HIS CHOSEN POSSESSION.

With this in mind, James is now saying, "Be slow to speak and slow to wrath and swift to hear"

QUESTION: When is a time when we are most likely to be the exact opposite of verse 19...
            "Quick to speak, quick to anger & slow to hear"

ANSWER: During difficulty. See now why James has started verse 19 with "So then"

Vv 21-25: James is now expanding on hearing in these verses. The act of putting life to the Word.

***True hearing is putting action that is an appropriate response to what is heard***

QUESTION: Did you know that when you hear but do not live what you hear you are deceiving yourself?

We must understand that if we do NOT act on the Truth of God's Word...we deceive ourselves because the truth heard doesn't stays before us and we soon forget it (the truth). 

This person is a forgetful hearer. A forgetful hearer looks at Scripture (at church, in Bible Study, Sunday School, etc) but once leaving the setting forgets what God has said. The hearer's life is unaffected.

Here is a really TOUGH QUESTION: How often are we the forgetful hearer?

Here is an absurd example of a forgetful hearer & how they are living in deception: Imagine going to the Doctor to heard recommendations of how to get well but never following through with any of the Doctor's recommendations. The deception is we believe just hearing the Doctor's recommendation is enough to make us well. 

OK...I admit the example is absurd. However, we do this every time we go to church, bible study, Sunday School, etc and listen to God's recommendations for an abundant life but never follow through with any of God's recommendations.  

The good news is there is the opposite of the forgetful hearer. This is the one who walks away and not only looks and listens to God's Word but lives it and they become an effectual doer of God's Word.  Because this person doesn't forget what they have heard they have the ability to "be slow to speak, quick to hear and slow to anger" when life starts squeezing them from all sides. Another bonus is they remember who they belong to in all circumstances.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunday, February 6th…


Rebekah, Daniel and I discussed and planned for the upcoming College & Career Conference. This conference will be held at RBBC on June 18th. Registration will be coming soon. The conference is for 18-30 year olds.

This coming Sunday we will be finishing James Chapter 1.

Have a blessed week. Smile

Thursday, February 3, 2011

You Are More - Tenth Avenue North - w/lyrics

Sunday, January 30th: James 1:16-18...

Here is an acrostic for TRIALS:


We started class with a reminder that James is writing to people who are struggling. These struggles have been on-going and some are wrestling with what it means to be believing people in the midst of difficulties...With this thought in mind we explored the following question:

What does it mean to be a 'believing' person in the midst of difficulties?

Here are some of the things we explored:
A believing person:
  1. Trusts God is present during their difficulty
  2. Knows God is loving no matter what difficulty we are walking through
  3. Knows God is active during their difficulty even when this fact is not blatantly obvious
  4. Must seek God's Wisdom during difficulty not man's wisdom
We then jumped right into Verse 16 and learned these following things about believing people in difficulty through James:
  • Don't be deceived. It is easy to be deceived when in difficulty. We need people in our lives we can trust to help us stay focused on Jesus.
Vv 17 & 18:  What determines a good and perfect gift?

Verse 17 states good and perfect gifts are the ones from above...FROM GOD!! Who determines a gifts worth? Don't look for alternatives to receive good and perfect gifts. God is the only source of good and perfect gifts. 

Upon reading these verses, I was reminded of a saying, "There is NO SHADOW in the TRUE LIGHT OF JESUS!!!"

Sometimes when in a difficulty people may wonder why God even made them. We see the answer to this in our verses. 
  1. God created us because he wanted to...He was under no obligation to create us. 
  2. Not only did God create us because He wanted to but we according to verse 18 from two different translations are "A kind of first fruits of His Creatures" and "A Chosen Possession"
In the Old Testament, the first fruit was the best that was given to God. These verse is saying that WE (man & woman) are the best of His (God's) creatures. AMEN!!!

***I leave us with this thought...The fact of the matter is not only did God create us because He wanted to but we are the first fruits (chosen possession) BEST of HIS CREATURES***

This Sunday we are going to finish Chapter 1 of James. We are going to do our best to do vv 19-27. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mark Your Calendars...The Day is June 18th!

There has been many "Amen's" and "Hallejuah's" in the last 24 hours. I have been praying for God to show me what the date in June for the College & Career Conference. God has given us the date:

JUNE 18TH....JUNE 18TH...JUNE 18TH...JUNE 18TH...JUNE 18TH...JUNE 18TH...JUNE 18TH!!!

DID YOU CATCH THAT? The date of the College & Career Conference will be held on June 18th.

There will be upcoming registration and more information as God reveals it. God has provided one of the speakers already. We are praying for the second speaker and the worship band for the event.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Excited about 2011...

I am excited with what God has planned for 2011. He is such an amazing God!!

First, I come to you and ask that you pray for God is moving us to the next step in His plan. We are going to start meeting on a night during the week. What I need to know from each of you is which night is best (Tuesday or Thursday). I am not sure where we will be meeting but am waiting for God to reveal this place.

The other exciting news is we are in the process of planning a one-day College and Career Conference to be held in June. All the details are being prayed over and we will be sending you more information really soon.

As you can see, God is moving and we are excited about this.

Keep your focus on Jesus! :-)

In Christ,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sunday, January 16th….


This past Sunday, January 16th those present in the College and Career Sunday Bible Study went and helped set-up for the Deep Impact Fundraiser Lunch. After helping, the decision was made to stay with the other two bible study classes and have one big group. It was a wonderful time in God’s Word.

Next week, we will be back in our own class studying James 1:16-18. We have had plenty of time to read and study these verses and I am looking forward to seeing what God has given each of us.

Have a great week! Smile

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

College and Career Sunday, January 9th…


Last Sunday, I was out-of-town celebrating Christmas with my parents. Therefore, the College and Career group combined with the Sr. High.

I am back and we will be meeting in our regular room (the Jesus Cave) at our regular time this coming Sunday, January 16th.

Hope to see you there! Smile

Friday, January 7, 2011


Please remember that on Sunday, January 9th the RBBC College and Career Sunday Class will be meeting with the Sr. High class.

See you all next week. :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011

James 1:13-15...Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

Happy New Year to Everyone!

We started this week's lesson by discussing how verse 12 is parallel to vv 2-4.

The first discussing enduring, we discussed to endure is to continue to turn to God as our only  source of life. It is to count on Him to give us His Presence and His Peace in the midst of whatever we are facing. It is to live as God is transforming us. Enduring is to wait on Him to give us wisdom and light when all we seem to have to offer Him is our darkness.

Vv 13-15: The definition of tempt is to entice to do wrong by a promise of pleasure or gain.

What are ways we are tempted? Is ducking responsibilities a temptation?

***NOTE: It is important to see that verse 13 says, "WHEN" not "if"

GOD TESTS, but He never tempts!!!

Question: According to v14, where does temptation begin? It begins in one's own evil desires.

Every temptation has three elements:

 1. Allurement: This is the bait. This is external when something or someone becomes the object of our interest.

2. Desire: This is when the bait is taken and desire is born. Desire is internal and rest in our hearts.

3. Choice: This is an element that happens twice in the process of temptation. The first choice happens when we choose to accept the bait. The second time, we have a choice is when we act on the desire.

We see a pattern where it is allurement that creates the desire if we allow it! We must understand that this process is not normally done by brutally or force but persuasion. However, we don't have to take the bait...

Remember sin, no matter how pleasurable is temporary and has consequences.

***Temptation is desire to partake in pleasures outside the boundaries of God's law***

JustJoshin' the blog, used the example of sex. Sex within the confine of marriage is what God desires. However, the temptation brought forward to many is premarital sex.

Our class did a visual image exercise (thanks to JustJoshin') which, each of you can do right now. Picture yourself in a fenced in yard. Within your yard is every blessing you can imagine. the image.

Now, right outside the fence are things calling and drawing you to them. These things look good and they keep calling your name...

The things outside the fence just need to get you to step outside the fence to be able to grab hold of them so, that they can grab hold of you. The truth is these things (whatever it may be in your own life) just want to entrap you. This stepping outside the fence (spiritually stepping outside of God's protection) may  even seem pleasurable in the beginning. However, ultimately they will lead to destruction.

We left class with one thought to remember for this week: